Style & Weather Guide

what to wear to your session

5 wardrobe tips for your photography session!

Styling your session is the difference maker between average pictures and stunning pictures! It can be harder than you think to achieve the look you have in your head, so here are my best tips.

1: what not to wear

Let's start with what NOT to wear! Skip logos and words as they draw the eye. Skip neon colors or busy graphics (more on colors later!!) We want you and yours to be the center of attention, not distracting clothing!

2: comfort is key

For every outfit you choose, keep in mind how comfortable it will be. Make sure the kids are comfortable so they're happy rather than eager to leave! Comfort will help everyone loosen up, and my work is based on movement and candid reactions. A mama wearing a short skirt with heels is less likely to play with her little ones, so always keep comfort first.

3: patterns + texture

When picking patterns, choose smaller ones that won’t pull attention away from the main subjects, and only put one to two people in a pattern. I am obsessed with texture, it adds so much depth to a photo! Some examples are knits, lace, corduroy, and denim.

Layers are a great way to add pattern and texture to your photos. A cozy cardigan, neck scarf, knit beanie or a jean jacket are all examples of layers that not only add dimension to the photos, but also allow for more variety throughout the shoot.

4: wear color well

Browse through my Instagram and you'll quickly learn that although I love neutrals, I also love color. The key to wearing color is not wearing vibrant colors. See the graphic: every color has a muted version as well, and those muted colors are so satisfying! Not only do muted tones look amazing in images, wearing super bright colors tends to cast a color glow on faces and necks.

5: when in doubt, stick with neutral

I love coming up with color combinations that are complimentary, so message me any time and we will find the perfect one for your session! But when in doubt, stick with neutrals! Creams and whites will give a timeless look to your photos.

Bonus tip:

I am a major fan of flowy maxi dresses. I truly think they take your session up a notch! See the examples above!

Chilly Weather Guide

If you have a baby or young children, never underestimate layers. For example, bring a pair of tights to put under your child's pants, double layer their socks, and layer a long-sleeved shirt under their sweater. However many layers you think they might need, add an extra ;) It's easy to remove layers, but a cold baby will be an uncooperative one (and who can blame them?!)

For outdoor newborn shoots, I recommend the exact same tips no matter the season: layers, layers, layers!

Chilly Weather Guide

If you have a baby or young children, never underestimate layers. For example, bring a pair of tights to put under your child's pants, double layer their socks, and layer a long-sleeved shirt under their sweater. However many layers you think they might need, add an extra ;) It's easy to remove layers, but a cold baby will be an uncooperative one (and who can blame them?!)

For outdoor newborn shoots, I recommend the exact same tips no matter the season: layers, layers, layers!

I am always available to chat wardrobes with you! Let's get that styled session of your dreams.